Carlton CAN take the micky-taking

Some nights ago, I was being a wit-in-residence on my Twitter feed, replying to status updates and generally being a smart alec when I inadvertantly offended journo Mike Carlton. It resulted in Twitter blockage, and although I emailed him an apology, in that apology, I explained I would write about it.

So I blogged.

By the time I'd blogged, and gone live, turns out Carlton had accepted my apology.

Somehow, I don't think he'd seen the blog yet.

So now, I figure, I have something else, something bigger, to apologise for.

Meanwhile another Twitter buddy, the comic Nathan Lentern, points out Gerard Henderson - of the not-goat-horror-on-Herald-front-page-infamy - blogged about the Twitter exchange on his Media Watchdog site:


So I probably have this to apologise for too.

Sorry, Mr Carlton.