Outpost Project Ends



Sunday 11th December is the last day of the 2011 Outpost Project, Cockatoo Island’s annual ‘street art’ festival for which I wrote one of my first  CunningList pieces. If you like the tone and style of the writing and want to be kept informed about stuff in 2012, go to the website and sign up. Meanwhile, if the topic grabs you, go to Cockatoo Island tomorrow and enjoy the final day.




Outpost Project
Art From The Streets. 4 NOV - 11 DEC 2011
Cockatoo Island. Free Event Entry

Banksy: www.banksy.co.uk
Micallef: www.antonymicallef.com
Faile: www.faile.net

Sign up to The CunningList. (Ignore that the page says 'coming soon'; once you sign up, you'll be receiving each issue via email.)

Talkin' Turkey: The CunningList's
Thanksgiving Episode




Turns out today is Thanksgiving Day, an American holiday that's growing in significance in Australia like Halloween. Except that, culturally, Thanksgiving is more significant, not just cos you get to stuff yourself on more than just candy. It's like secular Christmas a month early. Of course I got to write about it in The CunningList.


Thanksgiving TLC


Blue Plate Bar & Grill
Celebrating Thanksgiving Thurs 24 until Sun 27 November
24 Young St (Entrance on Grosvenor St)
Neutral Bay NSW 2089

Sign up to The CunningList. (Ignore that the page says 'coming soon'; once you sign up, you'll be receiving each issue via email.)

Happy Thanksgiving.

The CunningList: Luke, Leia & Lingerie



At the moment, one of the exciting projects I'm working on is a brilliant new daily newsletter called The CunningList. To be honest, you should sign up to it more or less immediately (ignore that the page says 'coming soon'; once you sign up, you'll be receiving each issue via email).

I bring this up because a little while ago, when I was waxing a little to honestly about my attitude towards burlesque, I somehow forgot to mention Star Wars Burlesque - something that so appeals to my geek sensibilities.

So here's the CunningList piece from a couple of weeks ago now; Star Wars Burlesque opens tonight at The Vanguard, King St, Newtown.



Here's a taste:


Star Wars Burlesque from Tenderloins on Vimeo.