Comedy Young [g]’uns
The Fat Anchor in History

Some idea…

I know this looks as though my blog is developing not so much a theme as an obsession, but judge for yourself:

Here are two items grabbed off the interwebs.

The first is a photo from a piece about Pink's Sydney home being egged, as it appeared online on the New Idea website:

Pink performing

Did the caption writer mean 'infamous'? Or 'notorious'? Or merely 'unknown'? I would have replaced one of the words begining with 'perform'. Perhaps 'most recent tour' would have better served than 'her most recent performance'. But how many acrobatic acts is she performing in the photograph?  Just the one, is my guess, because the photo captures her in what seems like an instant, a period whose duration is nowhere near long enough to complete more than one acrobatic act. So there is no need for the plural 'acts'.

Here's the second item, an ad for a position vacant. At New Idea…

New idea ad

How connected do you think these two items are?

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